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Rae of sunshine
5 juin 2010

Picnic by the lake


It has been hot hot hot and quite a shock to the system – not long ago we had frost and now we are basking in temperatures of 30 degrees – I am not complaining.

We have our morning routine and this includes visiting our very dear neighbours – Mami and Papi – adopted grandparents for Ruby and Rivan. Ruby just lets herself in (knocking before of course) and makes herself at home. She loves giving both Mami and Papi a kiss in the morning and of course getting her reward – a piece of bread or over the last few days strawberries from their garden. I have warned them that they might not actually get to taste their own strawberries with Rivan and Ruby having such a taste for them but they are very kind and give both the kids a strawberry each morning.


Ruby loves to go and sit at Mami Jo Jo’s desk and do some drawing whilst Rivan generally crawls around and looks for something to occupy him with. It is a good opportunity for me to practice my French and also exchange cooking ideas, produce if one of us has something to give and to also spend time with our lovely neighbours – worth their weight in gold!

Ruby decided yesterday that it would be a good idea to eat her breakfast with her swimming goggles on – after all it was Friday and we all go swimming on a Friday m- hell and why not?.

I had a great surprise as they had room for Rivan at crèche so I had the day to spend in the garden – I finished planting all the vegetables and managed to mulch them with newspaper and grass cuttings- so all the lawns are now looking very tidy and neat. I love cutting grass – there is a great sense of achievement and it is a time when I can just walk behind the lawnmower and think about things – it is one of my favourite activities – is that sad and do I need to get out more?  I love the way everything looks once it has been cut – loved and cared for which is so true for where we live – I am a very lucky lady to be able to live in such a beautiful part of the world with as much outdoor space as we have, to be able to grow our own vegetables, spend quality time with our children and not have a mortgage to pay – I count my blessings daily and have done so for a long time.

This afternoon we had a wonderful time at Chillac – a nearby lake with a play area for the kids and lots of trees to give us dappled shade to have our dinner / picnic.  We were joined by our friends V, L and Mr M. 



"Oh was just looking what was up here - not climbing really"


We spent the afternoon playing in the lake – Rivan fully clothed but the others we managed to get their swimming costumes on before they hit the lake.  We then enjoyed a picnic of cold chicken, salad and potato salad followed by locally picked cherries and strawberries bought fresh from the market this morning by V.  The kids all had a fantastic time and Ben came and joined us for dinner – Ruby so loves spending time with her dad – it is true what they say that daughters and their fathers have that “special” relationship.  Skipped bath time tonight as we arrived home late, quick wash down with a flannel and then off to bed after a lovely Saturday spent enjoying simple pleasures in life.







"Like mother, like daughter - will she be a great photographer I ask?!"







Mine would love to have substitute grandparents to visit, maybe in our future place of residence... Your two neighbours are lovely people. I remember Lynn taking papi's hand to go on our walk one afternoon.<br /> I also like grass cutting and the SMELL. I'm so happy we'll still have a patch of garden in our house to be.<br /> Wasn't it a great day yesterday, though I did have a tummy ache from too many cherries and strawberries today, but I'm not complainiing ;D I must send you the photos I took, I love the ones in the late afternoon sun when Ruby and Max took a last dip in the lake.<br /> Yesterday evening we enjoyed our terrasse and just sat there talking till 11pm. <br /> This morning i'm now glancing at a distance, trying to decide if it's stormy in Jouhet or not and shall I wake up the kids to go early to that brocante...<br /> have a nice day and long live summertime joys!
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Rae of sunshine
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