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Rae of sunshine
30 avril 2011

A window into a simpler life

A window into a simpler life
What would it be like living as a nomad? Daily life governed not by the ticking clock but by the rising and setting of the sun, living simply in a tepee - a bed for warmth and comfort, pots and pans hung over the fire outside clean and ready for the next...
28 avril 2011

No chill factor

No chill factor
There is nothing for it - they must be mad. Today the wind was chilly and it seemed cold this morning compared to the barmy warm days we have recently been treated to. We headed up to the lake this afternoon - the weather forecast was mixed but we hoped...
26 avril 2011

How the garden grows

How the garden grows
I am always amazed at this time of year just how quickly everything springs into life, it was only a few weeks ago that the vegetable garden seemed like a huge empty space with very little life - now it is just oozing life and it puts a great big fat...
25 avril 2011

Easter continues

Easter continues
Bank holiday Monday here and the kids have finally come down from their sugar high of yesterday (only joking). Had to take a trip to the supermarket today as the fridge was getting really empty and the kids both enjoy the outing. They opened grannies...
24 avril 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter
Happy Easter! Today we have our big Easter egg hunt party - I opened the shutters with trepidation this morning as the forecast was pretty mixed and I sooo did not want rain today as we would have to cancel the party. The kids went over to our neighbour...
22 avril 2011

Welcome to the world

Welcome to the world
Welcome to the world Jonah – today this little man popped out of his beautiful mummy’s tummy and entered our world. What a special day – well done my special friend!
20 avril 2011

Off to the beach

Off to the beach
Our holiday is rushing by so fast - Wednesday already and we have been blessed with wall to wall sunshine - we could not ask for better! With cake and a flask packed we headed down to the "beach" - a man made lake with stunning views - the last time we...
19 avril 2011

The hunt for the eggs

The hunt for the eggs
Both kids have settled into a good routine now and have got used to different beds and surroundings. It is amazing how quickly the week is shooting by – I know since I had the kids my life has never passed so fast – they always say that time goes quickly...
18 avril 2011

Fancy dress and sand

Fancy dress and sand
Girls will be girls Within minutes of arriving at a friend of mums (she has a girl who is 5 and a boy who is 6 weeks younger than Rivan), the girls had disappeared into the house to get dressed up. The appeared 10 minutes later with a little basket of...
17 avril 2011


« Good job Ruby » - she stayed in bed all night and did not wake any of us up so she gets to stay in the big bed for the rest of the week. This afternoon we went to a local nursery that had an open day – this is my idea of a dream afternoon! The nursery...
16 avril 2011

Correze here we come...

Correze here we come...
Finally the day has arrived for us to go down to see granny – Ruby is very excited and looking forward to going on holiday. As the kids get older the amount of stuff that I need to pack into the car is getting less and less – I nearly had room to put...
14 avril 2011

How to keep your kids quiet at meal times

How to keep your kids quiet at meal times
"Hey Rae - come and have a look, I have found a way of keeping the kids quiet at the dinner table whilst you make the pudding………(they asked for Ben to do it and then wanted to look at themselves in the mirror!)
13 avril 2011

Gardening stories for the small

Gardening stories for the small
The room was full of expectant children sitting quietly, waiting with anticipation for the stories to begin. There was lots so see - plant pots spread out over the front of the room with beautifully decorated coverings, a flower pot with compost and a...
10 avril 2011

Family afternoon

Family afternoon
Having watched Hugh Fernley Whittingstall last night - all about bread, I decided to have another go at making bread by hand instead of the bread machine. The kids like helping kneed the dough and when it was ready into the oven it went - the results...
9 avril 2011

Clip clop

Clip clop
I had seen mummy put on her riding trousers and boots earlier this week - she looked good as she left to go horse riding with her friend and left daddy to bath and put us to bed. I was now the proud owner of a pink riding hat and a pair of riding trousers...
8 avril 2011

Springing into life

Springing into life
Gardening is infectious - the more time I spend out there; the more time I want to spend out there. I remember the first year we arrived in France, with no work or real commitments I enjoyed the summer - hour after hour in the garden, turning a blank...
7 avril 2011

Just so lucky

Just so lucky
A beautiful April day – warm sunshine, birds bidding us good morning and the only down side of the warmer weather is that the flies have woken up – a consequence of living near a farm yard. Ruby happy to be at school with all her friends and glad to be...
4 avril 2011

Snail party

Snail party
Perfect gardening weather - the soil is moist after yesterday’s rain and just perfect for weeding. Added bonus - lots of snails in the garden to keep the kids occupied. Ruby has always been fascinated with snails ever since she was little - Rivan less...
2 avril 2011

C'est la fête!

C'est la fête!
Carnival this afternoon - the theme being the forest and sustainability. I spent a couple of hours last night making woodland crowns for Ruby, Rivan and myself but sadly the kids ones were too small and they were not interested in wearing them either....
1 avril 2011

Gymlastics again

Gymlastics again
Gymnastics outing with the school today, Ruby very very excited to a) be going on the bus to the gym and doing all the activities and b) wearing her new Dora tee shirt. I dropped Ruby off at school where she took the bus to the sports centre which then...
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Rae of sunshine
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